Last additions - 2014 Ironman Bench and Deadlift |

Cody Edwards of Deer Lakes at the 2014 Ironman.Apr 07, 2014

Geoff Matthews of Deer Lakes at the 2014 Ironman.Apr 07, 2014

Phillip Dodson driving up 375 at the 2014 Ironman.Phillip had the biggest bench of the day with 375 at a bodyweight of 240. Apr 07, 2014

Devin Gerber of Hampton getting 315 at the 2014 Ironman.Devin was the meet's Outstanding Bencher with his 315 bench at a bodyweight of 173.Apr 07, 2014

Alec Strong of Marion Center with a successful bench at the 2014 Ironman.Apr 07, 2014

Brandon Prenni of Marion Center at the 2014 Ironman.Apr 07, 2014

Strongest Team at the 2014 Ironman.The power trio of Phillip Dodson, Casey Wade and Nick Whitsel of A & M Fitness in McConnellsburg, PA won the Strongest Team Award. Apr 07, 2014

2014 Ironman's Outstanding Deadlifter - Phillip DodsonPhillip with his Outstanding Deadlifter Award.Apr 07, 2014

Colton Fairman with one of his awards at the 2014 Ironman.Apr 07, 2014

Austyn Polisky at the awards table at the 2014 Ironman.Apr 07, 2014

Alec Strong of Marion Center at the 2014 Ironman. Apr 07, 2014

Mitch DiMaria of Moniteau with one of his awards.Apr 07, 2014

Devin Gerber of Hampton pulling 450 at the 2014 Ironman.Devin has been competing with Sons of Thunder since 2011.Apr 07, 2014

Devin Gerber with his 1st place bench trophy at the 2014 Ironman.Apr 07, 2014

Todd Martin with his 1st place bench award at the 2014 Ironman.Todd finished the day with a 325 bench at 217 lbs.Apr 07, 2014